
A Semi Update ^_~

Okay, got a few things to post on my 'ongoing' new post that I'm working on for you all. It's been a few days since my last update, so I thought I'd give you at least a part of it ^_~.

I did want to mention though, that I switched Templates, and although you can't see the wording over by the poll (grr) it says it'll be up for 2 weeks. I'd really like to see some votes...if I need to, I'll post a link to what it was previously (screenshot). The parts that say 'to be updated' will be :p Just give me some time ^^. And yes, I'm still watching the shoutbox below with happiness! I can't wait to read more. ^_^ For those of you coming into the 'circle' I'll be updating soonish with some future blogger ideas (I'll explain later, so stay up to date ^_~. The RSS feed will help you a lot, I hope ^_^ Okay, onto the 'post' ^_~

Got a small 'life' annoyance to share and a few things that I'm sharing...one is something I read recently (can't remember from where >.<) and the other is a poem written by me that's going to be in one of the editions of Poetry.com's books...not sure which one *shrugs*. I was thinking the other day, as I watched TV and had the millionth 'Extenze' commercial run across my molested television as I rushed to change the channel. Seriously lol. We have spyware, adware and firewalls for our computers. We have junk filters and junk 'boxes' for our emails. Yet we can't control what comes into homes via other media. Lately TV stations are bombarding our TV shows with 'sub' screen ads, lil 'cute' popouts of various TV show's waving at us or racing across the bottom of the screen. Yes, I realize how retarded that sounds, but if you've seen what I'm talking about, shaddup :p. The other day I was watching the very intelligent show for the sophisticated person... (lol) of Family Guy. I love that show, btw! Anyways, as it was ending, there was a 'popup' under the credits saying it was brought to the viewer from McDonalds. Seriously?

It was bad enough when volume began to 'increase' on TV stations for commercials (does that annoy anyone else? ^^ Seems to be getting worse lately, imo Oo) ...every station seems to have multiple 'paid advertising' slots in their programming (Apparently commericals aren't paying enough? lmao). But I can deal with that...in the 'golden day' of life, there wasn't TV after a certain time frame anyways...I recall the "This concludes the end of the broadcasting day" ♪♫ (Anthem and local photos) ♪♫ - cut scene to a really bad color 'beeeep' screen lol. And then Stations began to put their virtual watermark...I actually sort of like that, helps me to remember what station I'm on lol. But commercials infiltrating our viewing during a show...that's just annoying. WTB TV Spam Filters! ^^ Okay, /end rant ^_~

Here's the little tidbit that I found on some site, it was just posted as part of the header on the pages, and sadly I can't remember where I found it. I'm pretty sure it's an open license sort of 'anonymous writer' sort of thing, as it tickles my memory from somewhere, but if I'm wrong, please correct me. After that, is my 'sharing' moment ^_^. I just thought this was rather thoughtful and made me pause and think. I hope it does for you too. ^_~.

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Well, what do you think? :)

Okay, now my poem, so that I'm not 'spamming' your screen into the screensaver mode ^_~ There was a few edits that I wish I had made before it was published, but it's more of a nitpicking on the wording and a few phrasing annoyances. But it's not my worst, either way I don't think. I look forward to your thoughts. :)

Lilies Fading

Morning Lilies in the noon
Heat of mid year casts doom
Time is ticking it's mournful sound
Broken tears of soul trickle down
Time flies when one is having fun
When naught, heart seeks the sun
Neither heal nor mend does this
Broken hearts curse the bliss
Is any dream too lofty and far
Hope seems to float in the stars
Life wears one down to the qwick
And yet do we find what makes us tick
Lightening brightens the sky
Darkness blinds the eyes
Straining forward we ache to see
The answer to "What will become of me".
Lord are you there in our prayers
Or are your answers covered in layers
Is death a thing of the soul
If so, maybe I've already felt its toll
Morning Lilies in the noon
Frozen grip in the heart casts doom
Time is ticking it's mournful sound
As I, prepare to lay down...

Copyright ©2009

This post will probably go into a new "Catagory"...not sure what it will be yet though lol. Maybe Soapbox? But it's got some of my poetry... lol I'll think of a solution somehow :p

Please let me know what you think, not just of the poem, but the variety that I'm putting into the forums. Any ideas are very appreciated, and feedback helps a lot to 'mold' what happens in the future to help share with you things that you might be interested in. Talk to you soon! ^_^

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